Introducing: Bray’s Meats
An important outreach effort of the UW Meat Science Program is the retail store, a student-run meat shop operating within the Meat Science Laboratory. The current shop is known as Bucky’s Butchery: employing 16 undergraduate students and open 4 hours per week on Fridays from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm.
The future retail shop in the new Meat Science Laboratory will be known as Bray’s Meats. This store will be open during normal building hours with a full-service fresh meats case and a variety of processed products and frozen meats.
The name Bray’s Meats honors Robert W. Bray as the founder of the modern Meat Science program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The name is at once contemporary, timeless, and deeply rooted in the history of the institution.
This article was posted in Program Features.